Are you a computer guru? Do you know your computers inside and out? Perhaps you are a software developer or a website creator with years of experience. Well, without certification you are not likely to land a job in these markets. In fact, in today’s job market in the computer field, you cannot hope to get anywhere without some type of certification from a recognized school. This is where fake certificates come in handy.
You can use a fake certificate to prove to potential employers that you know what you already know. This makes more sense than spending thousands of dollars for a program that will teach you nothing just to get a piece of paper that says you know what you already know. It is also easier on the wallet. All you need to do is find a company that can provide you with a realistic fake certificate.
Once you have the fake certificate you can simply add that bit of educational fiction to your resume and add the certificate to your portfolio. No one will question whether or not the certificate is real, and you will easily be able to land jobs. If anyone does question your educational background, you should have a story ready to go. Employers do not contact schools to check your background in this field as long as you show that you have the knowledge required to do the job. However, you may be asked about your schooling, so know what you will say to common questions about your education before they are asked.